Monday, August 3, 2015

07/26/2015 | Transfers (again)


Huh. Funny I think that was the name of my last email...

Sorry I'm a little later at sending this today. We had a fun district
activity today, so... Yeah. どうぞ赦してください。So I know, you are all very
anxious to hear about transfers, and where I went, but I can't tell
you that yet :)

Ok I'm just kidding I'll tell you. After a fun transfer with Elder
Fujisaka, he had transferred. He headed out to Shiroishi with an old
companion of his, and district member of mine Elder Call. Neither of
them have been there before, and they have been having fun it seems...

Anyway, the rest of my district, and then some other familiar names
real quick. Elder Morgan, one of my Favorite AP's, has gone home :(
but a new AP has taken his place. His name is Elder Horne!!! He is
Elder Stevens's (who is my douki (came at the same time) Trainer. He's
pretty cool. Let's see who else... Elder Stevens, and Elder Hishii
(the two in the Honbu) both stayed, and elder Stevens, became the new
recorder as well as financial secretary. Elder Birch transferred, but
I won't say where. Sister Barr stayed in Shinkotoni, so we'll be
together for another transfer, and sister Naganuma went to Atsubetsu
to open the area for Sisters. Sister Barrs new companion is sister
Wallwork, who I knew from the MTC. She is from Australia, so I've got
a little bit of Elder Rostedt back in my life. Speaking of Elder
Rostedt, he went back to Higashi!!! That's his bean area (the first
area he had been too) isn't that great!! Elder Roylance. Let's talk
about him. He went out to Otofuke, with my old Beloved companion,
Elder Thompson!!! Those two are going to have sooooo much fun
together. Hmm who else... How about Elder Francis. He's still in
Asahikawa as a Zone Leader, and he goes home this transfer :'( How
bout my ZL's. Last Transfer, was Elder Fa'alafua, and Elder Cragun.
Elder Cragun had to go home, but Elder Fa'alafua is still my zone
leader. My other zone leader, is Elder Day! But get this... They
aren't companions!! What the crap. Yeah it'll be weird. 後は…誰かな… I
think that about sums it up. if you have questions about anybody else,
feel free to ask :) Oh wait me? you want to know about me? Ok I'll
tell you. So, I stayed in Shinkotoni. Not leaving yet. And my new
companion will be..................(this is the drum
BIRCH!!!!!! Yay!!!! Yup my old district member all the way from
Hawaii. He is one transfer above me, and is DL. So I am with the DL
again. This is were it gets crazy, because from now on, there are a
lot of missionaries coming in, so I am most likely to go Senior pretty
soon.... wow that scary, I could even go trainer... Anyway nightmares
aside, thats this new transfer. I'm way excited. Elder Birch is a hard
worker. We've already taught the message of the restoration twice,
completely at random, and the best part is, we've only done finding

 The rest of this week was pretty good. We got to do some people
watching on Monday, because we didn't really have anything else to do
(this was still with Elder Fujisaka) and while doing so, in a store,
we met these two girls, that spoke perfect english. They had both done
exchange programs, one in Seattle Washington, and one in Australia.
They were quite friendly, and very good at english. The one spoke more
than the other, but that was because the other, was looking shocked as
though she were thinking "Oh my gosh, these cute gaijin are actually
talking to us!!" kind of a thing. We tend to get that alot. Lol! Then
on Wednesday we went to the Temple!!! I'm so sorry though, all the
pictures are in my camera, and Sister Naganuma camera, and I can't get
them out yet, but I will get them out ASAP!! It was beautiful. The
detail is just so exquisite, and perfect, it was quite a sight. I
can't wait to get to attend a temple again. it's already been so long.
Everybody that has the ability. Go to a temple this week, and think of
me. Maybe I'll feel something, I dont know. Then on Thursday, we had
transfer day. Keep in mind that up until now I was still with Elder
Fujisaka. Now I'm with Elder Birch. Friday, we were working at Honbu.
Elder Birch is currently the only missionary in the mission right now
with a liscence, so he needed to take Elder Horne, and Elder Stevens
to the Driving place. So I got to hang out with the other AP elder
Tokuzawa, and get to say hi to all of the families coming to pic up
their missionaries. It was a good day. Me and Elder Tokuzawa had a
couple good talks. He is a way good Leader, and an amazing missionary.
On Saturday, we were once again helping Honbu. So because Atsubetsu
Sisters are opening, we had to get a new apartment for them. So we
went and helped set it up. Me and Elder Hishii hung out at the
apartment, setting stuff up while Elder Birch, and Elder Stevens took
stuff from the old Teine Apt. to being to this one. So that was fun.
Then Sunday was church. Today, Elder Birch set up a fun District
activity for us. We all worked together and made some yummy cookies,
and played with the dough, and really just had a ton of fun making
them, and then we played Jinroh. And now here we are back to today.
Wow boy I talk alot. I'm really thirsty now.

Well hope everyone is 元気!
Have a good safe week, and pray for us to stop sweating so much. It's
soooooo HOT here. and humid too...
Somebody eat a Pringle this week please. Don't ask questions, just do it.