Sunday, November 29, 2015

11/29/2015 | Happy Thanksgiving!

Well its been a holiday hasn't it.

What did you do for Thanksgiving?

Sorry I don't have a lot of time email today. We have a lot of shopping to get done, so this is going to be short.

We are working hard here, and starting to prepare for a baptism. Itabayashi san is pretty much ready to go. We could probably even move it up week, but we'll leave it where it is as a cushion. I've been impressed at how fast I've been able to pick up the sign language. I was all ready to translate in church for priesthood yesterday (and then he couldn't come) (long story, no time) but I'm able to talk with him. Its way cool. He's just chugging along, and excited to be baptized. The sisters also have an investigator that is ready to be baptized on the same day, so we are way excited for them!

Daisuke san is also moving along. We've been teaching him commandments, and will start really trying to talk baptism this week. We're meeting at a members house, and talking with him so I think it'll go ok.

Oh by the way I didn't transfer. Still here in Muroran with my son Elder Pace.

Then Ritsuki kun is doing way good. We were able to teach quite a bit to him yesterday, and he's excited to get baptized. We are wanting to meet his parents, and are planning an activity to do so, but it looks like he's going to be able to do it to.

Well as Thanksgiving  comes to a close the Christmas Season opens up now. All you scrouges that have to wait till after thanksgiving, now are required to listen to Christmas music. Suckers.

I can't write a big long anything right now, but I challenge you this year, as all the Christmas racket occurs, try to remember the real meaning of Christmas. Try to remember your savior. He's what its all

Well that's about the time I have for this week. Sorry for a short one.
We'll see you next week!
Elder Eliot